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Fluffy's New Year's Resolutions
January 1, 2021

Happy New Yea r! If you have a kitty, it’s probably safe to say that your feline pal slept through last night’s festivities. She’ll also sleep through most of 2021, but that’s a different topic. However, your pet may still have a few things planned for the coming year … at least, the parts she’s actually awake for. A local Leonardtown, MD vet lists some resolutions for cats in this article.

M  ore Even Fur Distribution

Cats take their official kitty duties very seriously. One of the most important ones is making sure there’s an acceptable amount of cat hair all over everything. Your feline buddy may also try to be a bit more methodical about leaving her fur around.

Catch That Red Dot

Your furry buddy will probably never make this goal. However, she will have fun trying. Remember to give Fluffy consolation prizes!

Be Adorable

Fluffy probably won’t have much trouble making this goal. Cats somehow manage to get cuter by the day!

Finish Training The Humans

Does Fluffy have you trained to fill her bowl on demand? Do you know to pick her up and cuddle her when she meows, or reach for her cat toy at a certain time each night? If not, your feline overlord may have a few things in store for you this year!

Improve Sprint Speeds

Cats have many adorable traits. One of the cutest ones is how Fluffy sometimes gets the zoomies, and will randomly race from one end of the house to the other. Your kitty may want to improve her speed this year!

Make The Humans Laugh

Fluffy may have this one done before the day is over! Our furry friends really do have a remarkable ability to make us laugh. In fact, they often manage to be funniest when they’re trying to be serious.


No surprises here! Fluffy may want to try a few different sleeping positions, or nap in a previously-unnapped-in spot. Help her out by providing lots of comfy beds!

World Domination

Who says Fluffy can’t have big dreams? Your furball may be closer to achieving this one than you know. After all, kitties have managed to take over a pretty impressive chunk of the internet!

As your local Leonardtown, MD veterinary clinic, we look forward to providing you with great care in 2021 and beyond. Please feel free to contact us anytime!