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Introducing a Dog to Your Resident Cat

Are you adopting a new dog? Congratulations! We love meeting new patients. Of course, if

Help! My Dog Won't Stop Sneezing

Does your d og sneeze sometimes? This is pretty common in our canine buddies. Fido

Invisible Fences: Do or Don't?

Many of our canine companions love to run and play outside. The vast majority of

Meet the Cheetoh Cat

There’s a brand new kitty on the scene. The Cheetoh cat is melting hearts all

The Catahoula Leopard Dog

April 8th is National Catahoula Day! The Catahoula is the Louisiana state dog, and is

Saint Gertrude of Nivelles Day

March 17th is Saint Gertrude of Nivelles Day. If you’re not sure who Saint Gertrude

Things We Have Recently Learned About Cats

Our feline fr iends have a reputation for being both mysterious and quirky. Scientists have

Keeping Your Cat Warm and Purring

Are you ready for spring? Warmer weather is getting closer, but for many places, this

2020 Reader Approved!

We are honored and humbled by being voted the 2020 Reader Approved veterinary practice in
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